File Archive

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File size:
60 002 bytes (58.60K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:56
Download count:
all-time: 357



   ______________ ___________
  _\_           /_\_______   \ piONEER
  \     /______/ \       /    \_      dESiGN
  Another collection by [c-REAL!] /p^d/nDs
                 'THE SIGn'
      (art in the eye of the beholder)

                 --This Collection Is Dedicaded To Robyn--

                       .----- -___________- ------.
                       :       \    ___   |       :
                       :        \_____/   |       :
                       :         cDr:_____|       :
                      _:_|  ____    __ .   ___   _:_
                     (___l (___/_ __)  l_ (___| l . )
                       :                      l   :

                            In Cooperation With

         _____/\_________  ____ ________ __/\__ __/\_______/\_
         |__,_   /\_ ___/_/  , \\ __   |/  ___//  ___/|__,_  /
         _/ ¬/__/ |     ||   ¬  |  |   \_  _l_\_  _l___/ ¬/ /_ $LAß
       /\\____|   |_____|l______|__l___[_]____[_]____/\__\    \
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          __|____|_/  ___/ | ____/_\_ ___//____/_\ __   |  \____\\/
         /  .____/\_  _l___` ____  \     \ \____ /  |   |
         \_______|[_]____[_] |_____/_____|___|   |__l___|
                                             · __:

                     Presents Another Collection From

                 ______    .______ ________ _______ ____ xCz
      . .. .. __/ ____/_.__l_____¬Y_ _____/_\  __ ¬Y   /__    .. .. .
            :.\    \   ¬l____| `/  / ---'  ¬Y  `/  | _/  ¬\  .:
             : \___________\____\  \________l__T   |_\_____\ :
             :.................. \___/     ... l___!  .......:
                               :...........: :........:

                              Please welcome

          _______   _____ ______ _________                      /\
      __ _\     /___     |    _/_        /___ _________________//\\
     |   \    _____/__          /  /____/   /                 /___\\
     |    \__________/___|_____/___________/                      |
     |                 ___________ ____  _________ _____  _____   |
    _|___              \    _____/__   \    _____/__    \/   _/_  |
   \\   /____________ __\_______   /    \_  \      /  \  \     /__|
    \\//              \___________/______/________/____\______/ -M-
     ( Art in the eye of the beholder )

           ·  _ _______ ____ ______ ___________   _____ _______
           :  \\\_____ Y___ Y ____/_\ _____/__ \ / ___/_\ ____/_. _
           :     .  l/ / l/ / __/   Y ___/  l/  Y  |    Y __/   ¦(_)
           :     ¦ ___/  \  ¯\`     |  |    /   |  `    | l     | _
           : xCz l__l_____\   \_____l__l___/    l_______l___    |(_)

    Another .txt has arrived. It's amazing how many collection you can
    find if you [fr] at your favourite system. I know I wrote about it
     in my previous collection, but I'm still surprised. The question
     to ask is if this is what's left on the amiga-scene; .txts about
          solves, lamers and this thing called ascii-collections.

   Lately I've been scanning around at systems featured in my phonebook
    and I discovered absolutley nothing! There were some .txt and some
   /X-doors and the absolutley worst: ami-net files. To be honest, some
    ami-netfiles are quite useful, but I thought those things belonged
    at public domain-systems. The logical explanation is to be found in
    the fast developement of other game-machines like Playstation etc.
   I know that most of you, including myself, won't believe it the slow
     death of the amiga, but one must as oneself; what's left? People
   are opening new systems everyday with a dream of making themselves a
    name in the scene. Do the have a chance, or will we leave them with
   their dreams? The answer is yours and mine. Everybody has an oppinion
    about the forthcomming amiga-scene, but the truth about it as I see
                          is: We don't know......

      So, after that heavy part it's about time to present my latest
   collection. There is not much to say about it. It wasn't long ago
      I released 'nds-diat.txt', but since the group 'nDs' needs some
    attention I have to release it now.  I've tried to check with some
    other artists and they said they didn't know anyone writing in this
   style. But one will never know if there is a guy 3000 miles from here
  writing almost in the same style as I so if that's the case, then mail
              me at one of the systems in the end of the .txt

                             Until next time,

                           Signed: cRL/p^d/nDs

                               ____.                      ____.
   · ____/\   ______  _____/\__)  ¬l_  · ______  _____/\__)  ¬l_    /\___
   :/  __  \ /  __ ¬\_\____  \_   __/_ :/  __ ¬\_\____  \_   __/_ ./  __/_ ·
   ¦.   |___Y.   l   |.   |   |.   l ¬\¦.   ____|.   |   |.   l ¬\|_____ ¬\:
t0!|:.  `  ¬|:.      |:.  |   |:.      |:.  `  ¬|:.  |   |:.      |:. ¬'   ¦

         |                  o1 Upload                           \|
         \                  o2 Download                          \
          \                 o3 Bulletin
                            o4 Amiga
                            o5 Ascii   
                            o6 Babewatch
                            o7 Files    
                            o8 Modules  
                            o9 Nine Design
                            1o The Kestrel 
                            11 Hasslan
                            12 Dark Conflict
                            13 Nine Design
                            14 Hologen
                            15 Citydump
                            16 Skyline
                            17 Rayban
                            18 Kidnix
                            19 Blue Zone
                            2o No Impulse
                            21 Lord Chaos
                            22 Arcane
                            23 Snafu 
                            24 Snafu (fi)
                            25 Tommy (fi)
                            26 Nine Design (fi)
                            27 Whale (fi)
                            28 Pigeon (fi)
                            29 Da Joint
                            3o Thunderlight
         \                  31 Shade
         |\                 32 Honey
         |                  33 Trance Sweden                     /
         |                  34 Sonic                            /|

Note: If your requested logos are not featured, please
      have patience...

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Upload                     ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o1                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o611 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                                 ____                     ___
                                T:·  T                   T:· T
                         ___ ___|    |___¡___   _____ ___|   |
              .¼¼¼   ¼¼.T:· T:· |    |:· |:· T__\:·  T:· |   |
            .¼¼¼     `¼¼¼.  |   |    |   |   |:· \   |   |   |
        .---¼¼¼.-------`¼¼¼ |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |---.
        |   `¼¼¼¼¼.  .¼¼¼¼' | .:|  .:| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:|   |
        |       `¼¼¼¼¼¼'|   |---^----^---!---^---!---^---^cRL^   !
        |               | .:|                                    :
        !               `---'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Download                   ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o2                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o655 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

         ___                             ____                     ___
        T:· T                           T:·  T                   T:· T
     ___|   |___¡___             _______|    |___¡___   _____ ___|   |
    T:· |   |:· |:· T .¼¼       T:·___  |    |:· |:· T__\:·  T:· |   |
    |   |   |   |  .¼¼¼    ¼¼¼¼.|   |   |    |   |   |:· \   |   |   |
.---|   |   |   | .¼¼¼'     `¼¼¼¼.  |   |    |   |   |   |   |   |   |---.
|   | .:| .:| .:|¼¼¼'   ¼¼¼¼ `¼¼¼¼.:| .:|  .:| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:|   |
|   `---^---^---!`¼¼¼¼¼.`¼¼' ¼¼¼`---^---^cRL-^---!---^---!---^---^---'   !
|                   `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼'                                           .

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Bulletins                  ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o3                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o53o Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

      ___                              ___
     T:· T                .¼¼¼¼'.¾¾¾¾'T:· T___ .---.
     |   |___ _______   .¼¼¼¼' .¾¾¾'__\    __/`-----'_______ _______
     |   |:· T:· |:· T .¼¼¼'  .¾¾¾'_  |   |:· T:·   T:·___  T:·____ T
 .---|   |   |   |   | ¼¼¼' .¾¾¾'\____|   |   |     |   |   |__`----|---.
 |   |   |   |   |   |.¼¼¼ .¾¾¾'      |   |   |     |   |   |:·T    |   |
 !   | .:| .:| .:| .:.¼¼¼'.¾¾¾'     .:| .:| .:|   .:| .:| .:|  !  .:|   |
     `---^---^---^---¼¼¼' ¾¾¾'`-------^---^---^-----^---^---^--cRL--'   !

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Amiga                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o4                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o527 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                  _____               `----'___ ___   _____
                __\:·  T  .¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.  T:·  T:· T:· T__\:·  T
               T:· \__.¼¼¼¼¼ .¼¼. ¼¼¼.|    |   |   |:· \   |
           .---|   |  ¼¼¼----¼¼¼¼---¼¼¼¼   |   |   |   |   |---.
           |   | .:|  `¼¼¼¼        ¼¼¼¼' .:|   |   | .:| .:|   |
           |   `---!---'`¼¼¼¼    ¼¼¼¼'`----^---'   |---!---'   !
           |                               |:·   .:|

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Ascii                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o5                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o377 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                     _____ _______ .¼¼¼'`¼¼____ ____
                   __\:·  T:·___  T¼¼'    T:·  T:·  T
                  T:· \__ |  `----¼¼'     |    |    |
              .---|   |:· |¯¯¯T   ¼¼-----.¼.   |    |---.
              |   | .:| .:|   ! .:|¼¼¼ .¼¼¼' .:|  .:|   !
              !   `---!---^--cRL--' `¼¼¼¼'`----^----'   :

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Babewatch                  ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o6                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o631 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

 ___             ___                              ___             ___
T:· T           T:· T                            T:· T___        T:· T
|   |___   _____|   |___ _______            _____\    __/ _______|   |___
|   |:· T__\:·  |   |:· T:·__   T.¼¼   ¼. __\:·  |   |:· T:·.    |   |:· T
|   |   |:· \__ |   |   |  \____¼¼¼'   ¼¼¼.  \   |   |   |  |____|   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |     .¼¼¼'    `¼¼¼. |   |   |   |  |    |   |   |
| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:| .:|    ¼¼¼'  ¼¼¼  `¼¼¼ | .:| .:| .:|  !  .:| .:| .:|
`---^---^---!---^---^---^-----¼¼¼¼.`¼' ¼¼¼'--^---^---^---^-cRL---^---^---'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Files                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Matrix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o7                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o492 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

      .¼¼¼'   . `¼¼_______ ______      ___________ ___________
      ¼¼¼'  .¼¼  ¼'·      T:·    T____T:·______   T:·________ T
      `¼¼¼..¼¼'  |        |      !    |  \________|___`-------|
       .¼¼¼¼¼'   |        |           |          .|   T      .|
      .¼¼¼¼¼'    |      .:|         .:|         .:|   !     .:|
     .¼¼'`¼¼¼.   `--------^-----------^-----------^-----cRL---'
    .¼¼    ¼¼¼
    `¼    .¼¼¼

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Modules                    ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o8                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o457 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                                  ___         ____
              .  .¼¼¼.___|___ ___T:· T___ ___T:·  T_______ _______
             .¼ .¼¼'¼¼.  |:· T:·     |:· T:· |    |:·___  T:·___  T
         .¼ .¼¼ ¼¼' `¼¼. |   |   |   |   |   |    |  \____|___`---|
    .---¼¼'.¼¼'¼'----`¼¼ ¼.  |   |   |   |   |    |       |:· T   |
    |   `¼¼¼'        |¼¼ .¼.:| .:! .:| .:| .:|  .:|     .:|   ! .:|
    !                `-¼¼¼'--^---^---^---^---^----^--cRL--^-------'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Nine Design                ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: o9                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o573 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                           ___________ ________ ___________ __________
                          |:·  ___    |:·      |:·  ___    |:· ___    |
                          |     |     |        |     |     |   \______|
          _____           l_____l_____|        |_____l_____l__________l
    _____|:·   |__________ ___________|        |__________ ___________
   |:·   |     |:· ___    |:·    -----|        |:· _______|:·  ___    |
   |     l     |   \______|¯¯¯¯¯|     |        |   \___   |     |     |

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: The Kestrel                ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: The Kestrel      ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 1o                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: 1248 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

      .¼¼¼¼.  .¼¼'`¼¼.
     .¼'`¼¼¼¼.¼'  _`¼¼___
     ¼'    `¼¼¼¼ T¼¼¼  ·:T        ___________
     `¼   .¼¼'`¼¼¼¼'     !½½½½½½.T   ____  ·:T
        .¼¼¼'    |     .½½½½' `½½½   \       |
       .¼¼¼'     |     ½½½½'   `½½½   \______|
      .¼¼¼'   ¼¼.|       |     .½½½        ·:|
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      `¼¼¼¼..¼¼¼'|:.     |   .½½'|:..        |
         `¼¼¼¼'  `-------' .½½'  `-----------'
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|:    ¾¾¾¾' |:`¾¾¾     |:         ¼¼¼' ¼.|     |----|:         |:      |
|:.     |   |:.¾¾¾     |:.       ¼¼¼'  `¼¼.    |    |:.        |:.     |
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            .¾¾'                `¼¼¼¼..¼¼¼'
          .¾¾'                     `¼¼¼¼'

Note: Do hope you like it!

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Hasslan                    ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 11                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o644 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

     ______                                  _______
    T    ·:T        ______ ________ ________T     ·:T  ______ ________
    |      !½½½½½½. \   ·:T _____·:T  ____·:|       |  \   ·:T  ___ ·:T
    |    .½½½½' `½½½-\    |__`-----|__ `----|       |---\    |   |    |
    |    ½½½½'   `½½½|\   |  T     |  T     |       | ·:|\   |   |    |
    |      |     .½½½|    |  |     |  |     |       |   |    |   |    |
    |:     |    .½½½'|    |  |     |  |     |       |   |    |   |    |
    |:.    |   .½½'. |:.  |:.      |:.      |:.     |:. |:.  |:. |:.  |
    `------' .½½'`---|----^--------^--------^--cRL--^---|----^---^----'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Dark Conflict              ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Boozo            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 12                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: 1o57 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                `¼¼¼. `¼¼.                           .¼¼¼¼
                  `¼¼¼. ¼`¼¼.  ____|_______|______| .¼¼¼'
                    `¼¼¼  `¼¼.-\:· |:·     |:·    |.¼¼'
                .¼¼¼.      `¼¼.|\  |   | .:|      |¼¼¼.
              .¼¼'`¼¼¼.     `¼¼|   |   |---|     ¼¼'`¼¼¼.
              ¼¼'   `¼¼¼. .¼¼¼'| .:| .:|   |    .:|   .¼¼¼
              `¼¼.¼¼  `¼¼¼¼¼'--|---|---|½½.|------|  .¼¼¼'
            .½ `¼¼'                  .½½^½½.                   ¼¼
          .½½'                      .½½  `½½                   ¼¼
        .½½'   |___|___|_______|   .½½ |___|   |_____|_____¼¼ ¼¼
       .½½'    |:· |:· |:·___  |½½.½½  |:· |---|:·   |:·     ¼¼
       ½½.     | .½½   |   |   |  ½½½½½|   |:· |     |   |__¼¼¼¼¼
       `½½.    |.½½'   |   |   | ,½½'  |   |   |     |   |  ¼¼    ¼¼
        `½½½½..½½½'| .:| .:| .:| ½½'   |     .:|   .:|     .:¼¼    ¼¼
           `½½½½'--|---|---|---|,½½    |-cRL---|-----|-------|¼¼¼ ¼¼
                               ,½½'                             ¼¼¼

Note: 'Expressloggan'!!!

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Nine Design                ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 13                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o821 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                              _________|:·    |_________ _________
                   .¼¼       T:· ___   |      |:· ___   T:·_____  T
                 .¼¼¼'       |    |    |      |    |    |  \______|
                ¼¼¼'         |  .:|  .:|      |  .:|  .:|       .:|
                ¼¼.          `----^----|      |----^----^---------'
            .¼. ¼¼¼ _________ _________|      |_________ _________
          .¼¼¼¼. ¼¼¼:·_____  T:·___    |      |:·_______T:· ___   T
        .¼¼¼' ¼¼  ¼¼¼ \______|___`-----|      |  \___   |    |    |
       ¼¼¼;        ¼¼¼     .:|   T   .:|      |       .:|  .:|  .:|
       `¼¼¼.      ¼¼¼'-------^---------|      |---cRL---^----^----'
         `¼¼¼¼.  ¼¼¼'                  |    .:|
            `¼¼¼¼¼'                    `------'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Hologen                    ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 14                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o433 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

      _________       _______ ___     _______ _______    .¼¼¼______
      \__   __/ ¼¼¼¼ T:·     T:· T   T:·     T:·_____T.¼¼¼¼T:¼___  T
       |:·   ¼¼¼¼  ¼¼¼   ¡   |   |___|   ¡   |  \__ .¼¼¼   |.¼¼|   |
       |    ¼¼¼    ¼¼¼¼  |   |   |:· |   |   |   |:·¼¼    .¼¼' |   |
       |   ¼¼¼    ¼¼¼¼   |   |   !   |   |   |   |  ¼¼¼ .¼¼|  ¼|   |
       | ¼¼¼¼|  ¼¼¼¼ |   |   |       |   |   |   !   |¼¼¼. |  ¼¼   |
       |   .:| ¼¼¼¼  |   ! .:|     .:|   ! .:|     .:| `¼¼¼| ¼¼¼ .:|
       `-----'¼¼¼    `-------^-------^--cRL--^-------'   `¼¼¼¼'^---^

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Citydump                   ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Xtc              ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 15                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o7o5 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                   .¼¼¼..¼'`¼¼.              .¼
       _______ ____¼¼'`¼¼¼   _¼¼ ___        .¼¼_ ___ ___ ___ _______
      T:·     T:·  ¼¼  .¼¼¼ T ¼¼T:· T      ¼¼¼' T:· T:· ¯   T:·     T
      |  |----|    `¼ .¼¼^¼¼|¼¼'|   |      ¼¼.  |   |       |       |
      |  |:·  |     |.¼¼  `¼¼¼' |   |       ¼¼. |   |  _ _  |  |__  |
      |  |    |     |¼¼¼    |   |   | .¼¼¼  |¼¼ |   |  | |  |  |  T |
      |  |    |     |¼¼¼    ¼¼.___  |¼¼¼    |¼¼ |   |  | |  |     | |
      |       |     |¼¼¼¼.  |¼¼¼    ¼¼¼    .¼¼¼ !   |  | |  |     | |
      |     .:|   .:| `¼¼¼¼.¼¼¼'  .:¼¼   .¼¼¼'    .:|.:| |.:|   .:|_l
      `--cRL--^-----'   `¼¼¼¼'------'¼¼¼¼¼¼'^-------^--^-^--^-----'

Note: Use this instead of the old one..

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Skyline                    ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Charlie          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 16                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o853 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                    [-> when quality isn't enough! <-]
               ______                  ______
              T:·    T                T:·    T
              |      |   .¾¾¾         |      |
     _________|      | .¾¾¾¾'         |      |_____ _________ ________
    T:· ___   |      |.¾¾'            |      |:·   T:· ___   T:·____ :T
    |   \_____|     :|¾¾' `½½½.    ,½½½½,    |     |    |    |  \_____|
    |______   |    .¾¾¾'   `½½½  ,½½½ ½½½½  .|    .|    |    |        |
    |:·   /  .|  .¾¾¾|¾¾¾ .½½½',½½½   .½½½  :|    :|   :|   .|       :|
 .--|    /   :|  ¾¾,:|`¾¾.½½½,½½½---.½½½'   :|    :|   :|   :|       :|--.
 |  |        :|  `¾¾:|  ¼½½½½½½   .½½½½'    :|    :|   :|   :|       :|  |
 |  l_________l______l  `¾¾'    .½½½½'l______l_____l____l____l____cRL_l  |
 |                            .½½½'                                      |

Note: Ugly logo for a good system.....

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Rayban                     ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Rayban           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 17                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o546 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

           ,¼¼¼.                _____
    ,¼¼.,¼¼¼'  `               T:·   T
    `¼¼¼¼'  ________           |     |_____    ________ ___________
     `¼¼¼___\:·     ¼¼¼.    .¼¼!     |:·   T___\:·     T:· _____   T
      `¼¼¼   \____  |¼¼¼.  .¼¼¼¼.    |     |:·  \____  |     |     |
      ,¼¼'    |     |`¼¼¼.¼¼¼ ¼¼¼    |     |     |     |     |     |
     ,¼¼'   .:|   .:|,¼¼¼¼'  ,¼¼¼  .:!   .:|   .:|   .:|   .:|   .:|
     ¼' `-----^-----'¼¼¼' ,¼¼¼¼-----cRL----^-----^-----^-----^-----'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Kidnix                     ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 18                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o559 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

         _____                  _____
        T:·   T  ,¼¼¼          T:·   T               ¼¼       ¼¼¼
        |     |,¼¼¼'_____ _____|     |___________ ___¼¼¼      ¼¼
        |     |¼¼¼'T:·   T:·         |:·  ___    T:·  ¼¼¼   ¼¼¼
        |    ,¼¼¼¼.|     |     |     |     |:·   |     |¼¼¼¼¼
        |   ,¼¼¼^¼¼¼     |     |     |     |     |     | ¼¼ ¼¼¼
        | ,¼¼¼¼',¼¼¼     |     |     |     |     |     ¼¼¼    ¼¼¼
        |   .:|,¼¼¼|   .:|     |   .:|   .:|   .:|    ¼¼¼      ¼¼¼
        `-----'¼¼¼'`-----^-----------^-----^-cRL-^-----¼¼¼¼     ¼¼¼

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Blue Zone                  ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Kidnix           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 19                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o792 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

             _____       _____
            T   ·:T     T   ·:T
            |     |     |     |____ ____ _________
            |     |.¼¼. |     |  ·:T  ·:T  ___  ·:T
            |   .¼¼¼'`¼¼¼.    |    |    |  \______|
            |  ¼¼¼|   .¼¼¼    |    |    |    !  ·:|
            |:.   |  .¼¼¼'.   |:.  |    |:.       |
                `¼¼¼¼'    .¼¼¼¼¼¼¼.
                       ¼¼¼¼¼'  `¼¼¼__ ____ _________ _________
                              ,¼¼' ·:T  ·:T   ___ ·:T  __   ·:T
                     ,¼¼,   ,¼¼¼'    |    |  ·:|    |  \______|
                    ,¼' ¼ ,¼¼'  |,¼¼ |    |    |    |       ·:|
                    ¼'  ¼¼¼'  ,¼¼¼'  |:.  |:.  |:.  |:.       |

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: No Impulse                 ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Rayban           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 2o                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o6o7 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

   ¼¼. `¼¼¼.¼.
   `¼¼    `¼^¼.        _________ _________
    `¼¼      ,¼       T   ___ ·:T    .  ·:T
     `¼¼    ,¼'       |    |    |    |    |
     .¼¼   ,¼'        |:.  |:.  |:.  !    |
     ¼¼ ,¼.¼'         `----^----^---------'
     `¼¼¼^¼'____ _____ _________ ____ ____ ____      _________ ________
  ,¼¼'    T     ¯   ·:T       ·:T  ·:T  ·:T  ·:T____T   ___ ·:T   _____T
  ¼'    ,¼|   __ __   |   ---   |    !    |    !  ·:|____`----|   _____|
  `¼.,¼¼¼'|:. |:. |:. |:. ______|:.       |:.       |  ·:!  ·:|:.    ·:|
   `¼¼'   `---^---^---^------'  `--cRL----^---------^---------^--------'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Lord Chaos                 ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Lord Chaos       ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 21                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: 1244 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                        ,¼¼'  `¼¼
                       ,¼¼'  ,¼¼'                        _____
              ,¼.     ,¼¼' ,¼¼'                         T:·   T
            ,¼¼'¼¼   ¼¼' ,¼¼'_________ ___________ _____|     |
            ¼'  `¼ ,¼¼  `¼T:·   .     T:·   .     T:·   |     |
            ¼     ¼¼¼.    |  ,  |     |     |   .:|     |     |
            ¼.  ,¼¼ `¼¼¼¼.|,¼¼  |    .|    .|-----|     !    .|
            `¼,¼¼'      `¼¼¼'   !  ..:|  ..:| ,¼¼.|        ..:|
             `¼'          `-----------^-----'¼¼'`¼¼----cRL----'
                    _____                       , `¼¼.
                   T:·   T                   ,¼¼¼.  `¼¼.
        ___________|     |_____    ________,¼¼¼'`¼¼.  `¼¼_________
       T:·   .    .|     .     T___\:·     T¼'    `¼   `¼. ____   T
       |     |  ..:|     |     |:·  \__    |'   ¼¼      ,¼__`-----|
       |     !-----|    .|    .|    .|    .|    `¼     ,¼¼  !     |
       |        ..:|  ..:|  ..:|  ..:|  ..:|     ¼    ,¼¼'        |
       `-----------^-----^-----^-----^----¼¼.       ,¼¼'----------'
                                           `¼¼.  ,¼¼'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Arcane                     ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Snafu            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 22                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o518 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

        ,¼¼¼'     `¼¼.
      ,¼¼'   .¼¼¼¼.`¼¼._____ ________    ______ _________ ________
    ,¼¼' .¼¼¼¼',¼¼¼ `¼¼___  T:·      T___\:·   T:· ___   T:·___   T
    ¼¼'.¼¼¼'  ,¼¼¼',¼¼' |   |   ¡  .:|:·  \__  |    |:·  |  \_____|
    ¼¼.¼¼',¼¼¼¼'  ,¼¼'  | .:|   |----|    |:·  |    |    |        |
    `¼¼`¼¼¼' `¼¼¼¼ |    |---|   !    |    |    |    |    |        |
     `¼¼.      ,   |  .:|   |      .:|  .:|  .:|  .:|  .:|      .:|
       `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼    `----'   `--------^----^----^----^----^--cRL---'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Snafu                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Snafu            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 23                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o646 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

            ,¼¼¼'`¼¼¼.                            ,¼¼¼.
            ¼'     `¼¼                           ,¼¼'¼¼.
            `¼¼.   ¼¼'                      ¼¼. ,¼¼' `¼¼.
              `¼.  ¼'                       `¼¼,¼¼'   `¼¼
      ,¼¼¼     `¼____________    ____________ `¼¼¼¼. __`¼'__________
      ¼¼¼'    ,¼¼   ___    ·:T---\_______  ·:T,¼¼'¼¼T     ·:|     ·:T
      ¼¼'    ,¼¼'  ·:|       |      ·:|      |¼¼'  ¼|       |       |
      `¼¼¼.,¼¼¼'     |:.     |:.      |:.    ¼¼'    |:.     !       |
        `¼¼¼¼'-------^-------^--------^------¼¼     `--cRL----------'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Snafu (file_id)            ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Snafu            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 24                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o218 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44
 __________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________
T          Y _ Y _ Y _ Y __Y ¦ Y          T
¦ pRESENTS ¦_`-¦ ¦ ¦ _ ¦ __¦ ¦ ¦ pRESENTS ¦
¦          ¦ T ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦  ¦¦ ! ¦          ¦
1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44

Note: I know this ain't the best .diz you've
      ever seen, but does it really matter??

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Tommy (file_id)            ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Tommy            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 25                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o25o Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44
 _______                          ______
_\:·   / _______ _______________ T:·    T
\       T:·     T:·     .       T|    .:|
|       !     .:|       !     .:|`------'
tommy!/offspring presents:       `------'
1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Nine Design (file_id)      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Hasslan          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 26                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o271 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44
                      ______   ,¼¼¼¼.
 _____________ ______T:·    T,¼¼   `¼¼
T:·   ___     T:·    |      |¼¼ ,¼. `¼
|    .:|    .:|      !    .:| ¼¼¼^¼¼¼.
`------^------^----cRL---¼¼-'        ¼
nINe dESIGn pRESENTs:    `¼¼. ,¼¼¼.,¼¼
1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44

Note: It's ugly, so I've been told....

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Whale (file_id)            ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Donr remember    ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 27                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o339 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44
 ____ ___ ____ ________        _____
T:·  T:· T:·  T:·      T_____ T:·   T
|    ..¡    .:|       ._   .:T|     |
`-cRL--^------^--------^-----'|     |
                              |   .:|
                              T:·  .T
1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44

Note: Bob Marley & the Whalers.......(hm)

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Pigeon (file_id)           ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Pigeon           ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 28                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o149 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44
 \__ ___  /½' ½   ___   T pIGEON pRESENTS:
 _/  \___/  ,½½    |    |
        ½½.  ½
1   5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o  44

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Da Joint                   ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Shock G          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 29                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o699 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

   .¼'  ¼¼.                .½½½.
,¼¼'    `¼¼.            .½½' `½.
¼'    ¼. `¼¼.          ½½'   ,½½
¼.    ,¼  `¼¼,          `½  ,½½'          ________           ______
¼¼¼.  ¼¼   _¼¼,____      `½½½½'_ _________\__  __/___________\  ·:/__
 `¼¼¼¼'   _\,¾¼  ·:T      T   ·:T    .  ·:T    ·:T   ___ ·:\    _/ ·:T
 ¼.      | ,½¼__   |      |     |    |    |      |    |    |    |    |
¼'¼¼¼.   |,¼¼'|    |      | .¼¼ |    |    |      |    |    |    |    |
   `¼¼¼,,¼¼¼' |:.  |      |:¼¼' |:.  !    |:.    |:.  |:.  |:.  !    |
     `¼¼¼¼'---^----'      `¼¼¼--^---------^------^----^----^--cRL----'
                     ¼¼¼.  `¼¼¼.

Note: Can you smoke carrots?

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Thunderlight               ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Cereal Killer    ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 3o                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: 12o6 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

         _\:·   / ___
         \   __/ T:· T                       .¼
         |\  |:· |   |___ ___ ___           ¼¼            _______
         |   |   |   |:· T:· T:· T_______   ¼¼    _______T:·     T
         |   |   |  ___  |   |   |:·___  T   ¼¼  T:·__   |   | .:|
         |   |   |   |   |   !   |   |:· | ,¼¼¼¼.|  \____|   |---'
         |   !   |   |   |     .:|   |  ,¼¼¼'  ¼¼¼.      |   |
         |       |   |   |----cRL| .:| ,¼¼'   ,¼¼¼'      | .:|
         |     .:| .:| .:|       `---^¼¼¼'   ,¼¼¼'     .:|---'
         `-------^---^---'           ¼¼¼'  ,¼¼¼¼'`-------'
                    _____            `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼'
                   T:·   T½½½ ½½                _____
                   |     ½½' `½½       ___    __\   /_
                   |     |½½½½_       T:· T   \_:· __/¡
                   |     |:·   T ,¾¾¾¾.   |___|   |:· |
                   |     |     |¾¾'  ,¾¾ ___  |   |   |
                   |     |   .:|¾' ,¾¾¾   |:· |   |   |
                   |     |-----'` ,¾¾¾|   |   |   ¦   |
                   |   .:|    ,¾¾¾¾¾' | .:| .:|   !   |
                   `-----'  ¾¾¾    .¾ `---^---|     .:|
                             `¾¾¾¾¾¾'         `-------'

Note: This is a rip from my
      own collection 'p^D-mdm!.txt'

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Shade                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: -Shade!          ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 31                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o594 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

                  ¼.       ,¼   ,
                   `¼¼¼¼.,¼¼¼' ,¼.              ____
           ________¼¼' `¼¼',¼ ,¼^¼._______ ____T:·  T__________
          T:· ___  `¼¼,¼' ,¼' ¼'T`¼\:·    T:·  |    |:·___    /
          |____`----|¼¼' ,¼'  ¼,¼¼'-\     |    |    |  \:·   /|
          |:·  T    |   ,¼'  ,¼¼|:· |\___ |    |    |   \___/ |
          |    ! ,¼¼¼¼.,¼' ,¼¼¼.| , |:·   |    !    |    |:·  |
          |      ¼¼.| ¼¼¼¼¼¼'`¼¼| ¼.|     |         |    |    |
          |      `¼¼|,¼'      `¼¼.`¼|   .:|       .:|    !  .:|
          `--------`¼¼'        `¼¼¼'^-----^----cRL--^---------'

Note: Sorry the 'h' is ugly, but
      I had to try a new one..

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Honey                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Dont remember    ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 32                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o727 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

     T:·     T
     |       |       ___________ ___________ ___________ _____ _____
     |       |      T:·    :·   T:· _____   T:· ____    T:·   T:·   T
     |       |¼¼¼¼. |     ¡     |     |:·   |   \:·     |     |     |
     |     ,¼¼¼¼'`¼¼¼.    |     |     |     |    \    .:|    :|     |
     |    ,½½½½    ¼¼¼.   |     |     |     |     ¯¯¯¯¯¯|       _   |
     |   ,½½½½    ,¼¼¼¼   |     |     |     |           |_______/   |
     |  ,½½½½|   ,¼¼¼¼'   |     |     |     |           |:·         |
     |  ½½½½ |  ,¼¼¼¼'    |     |     |     |           |           |
     |     .:| ,¼¼¼¼|   .:!   .:|   .:|   .:|         .:|         .:|
     `-------' ¼¼¼¼'`-----------^-----^-----^---cRL-----^-----------'

Note: Sweet as candy..

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Misfit                     ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By:                  ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 33                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o73o Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

         _____ _____ ______       ,¼¼¼¼._____ _____,¼¼¼.,¼'`¼¼.
        T:· _ ¯ _   T:·    T   ,¼¼¼¼'`¼¼¼.   T:·   ¼¼  ¼¼¼.  `¼¼
        |   |:· |:· |      | ,¼¼¼'|    `¼¼ .:|     ¼¼  `¼¼¼. ,¼¼
        |   |   |   |      | ¼¼'  |  ,¼¼¼'¯¯¯|     `¼ ,¼¼^¼¼,¼¼'
        |   |   |   |      | ¼¼¼. |,¼¼¼'_  .:|      |,¼¼  `¼¼'
        |   |   |   |    ,¼¼¼`¼¼¼.|      |¯¯¯|      |¼¼¼
        | .:| .:| .:|   ,¼¼¼'  `¼¼¼.   .:|   |    .:|¼¼¼   ¼¼.
        `---^---^---^---¼¼¼.    `¼¼¼-----'   `--cRL-¼¼¼'   `¼¼¼
                        `¼¼¼.    `¼¼¼               `¼¼¼¼,¼¼¼¼'
                          `¼¼¼¼.,¼¼¼'                  `¼¼¼¾'

Note: Thanks for the logos..

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Trance Sweden              ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Sonic            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 34                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: 1oo6 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

          ,¼¼¼. ,¼'`¼.
        ,¼¼'  ¼¼¼   ,¼
        ¼¼'  ,¼ ¼¼_,¼'____    ______ _________ ________ ________
            ,¼¼ T¼¼¼'¡:·  T___\:·   T:· ___   T:·    .:T:·___ .:T
          ,¼¼¼' |,   |  .:|:·  \__  |    |    |   |____|  \_____|
          ¼¼¼.  |¼   |----|    |    |    |    |   |:·  |        |
          `¼¼¼.,¼¼ .:|    |  .:|  .:|  .:|  .:|   |    |      .:|
            `¼¼¼`----'    `----^----^----^----|   !    |--------'
                                              |   :    |
                                          ____|        |
          _________         ________ ____T:·  |        |_________
         T:· ___ .:T¼¼     T:·___ .:T:·  |    |  ___ .:|:· ___   T
         |____`----¼¼¼  ¼¼¼|  \_____|    |    |  \_____|    |    |
         |    T:·,¼¼¼    `¼¼¼       |    |    |        |    |    |
         |  .:!  ¼¼¼  ¼¼ ,¼¼¼     .:|  .:|  .:|      .:|  .:|  .:|

   ___/\__\/__/\__\    | Name: Sonic                      ___/\__\
  /\__\/__/\__\/__/    | Request By: Sonic            ___/\__\/__/
  \/__/\__\/__/\__\    | Logo: 35                 ___/\__\/__/\__\
      \/__/\__\/__/    | Size: o448 Bytes        /\__\/__/\__\/__/
         |\/__/\__\    |-/---/---/---/---/---/---\/__/\__\/__/\__\
         |    \/__/    | Written By: cRL/p^D/Nds |   \/__/\__\/__/
         `--/---/---/--^/---/---/---/---/---/---/'       \/__/\__\
          'tHe sIGn' - Art In The Eye Of The Beholder....    \/__/

              ¼¼¼¼' ____ ____ _________ ______ _________
     ¼¼¼¼.     `¼¼¼¼.·  T:·  T:· ___   T:·    T:·       T
     `¼¼¼¼.      `¼¼¼¼. |    |    |    |      |   |   .:|
       `¼¼¼¼.     ,¼¼¼¼ |    |    |    |      |   |-----|
         `¼¼¼¼¼.,¼¼¼¼¼' |    |    |    |      |   |     |
            `¼¼¼¼¼¼|  .:|  .:|  .:|  .:|    .:|   |   .:|

Note: So it sucks, but I'll make it up to you...

            _____    /\__       /\____   /\____  ______.  /\___
         ._/____/_._/  \_\_. ._/  \__/._/  \__/._\ ._  |_/  \_/
         |  \__   |    _l _| |    ._|_|    ._|_|   l/__|___._ \_.
         |   l/   |    \_  \_|    l/  |    l/  |    \  |   l/   |
         |        |    _/    |        |        |     \ |        |
         l__ /\___l____\     l___/\ __l___/\ __l__ __/ l__ /\___|bNo
           \/           \__ _|     \/       \/    \/     \/

                           Booth/Ultimo Imperio
                        The Kestrel/Save Our Souls
                            Hasslan/Nine Design
                         Migrän/The Slayers Of...
                            Czar/Save Our Souls
                          Xcluziwe/Save Our Souls
                        Blockman/The Slayers Of...
                       Cereal Killer/Pioneer Design

                         Members and supporters of
                  Nine Design, Pioneer Design, Alfaforce

                       [Hopefully that includes YOU]

             You can always contact [c-real!] at these systems

'Blue Zone'    'Trance Sweden'  'Citydump'     'Skyline'      'Aces High'

+46 4o 469286  +46 612 3oo13    +46 435 8o354  +46 3nodez     +46 5nodez
Sysop: Kidnix  Sysop: Sonic     Sysop: Xtc     Sysop: Recall  Sysop: Norad

  ___/\__ _____/\___ __/\___ __/\_____ ___  ___/\______/\___ __/\______ __ _
   \_______  \__  \_____  \_____  \________\/\__   _____  \_____  \____//_///
  / /   / /  ·/   __/_/ \_   \/ \_   \/  _   ·/   /  ·/   __/_/ \_   \
 / /   / /  //   /  ·/   /  ·/   /  ·/   /  //   /  //   /  ·/   /  ·/
 \/___/_/_ //____  //\___  //\___  //___/_ //____  //\___  //\___  //
      \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/___/  \/___/tRm/___/

       all guest-artists..  Thanks for all logos. Without them, this
                            collection wouldn't be as good as it is

       migrän&blockman....  The world is waiting for 'Tomatjuice 3'..

       xtc/warberger......  I'll call you someday..

       trivial/devine st..  Still waiting for those logos.....

       splittis...........  Do hope U still have those pics...

       roadhogz...........  I appriciate you adding 'Pioneer Design' in
                            your mag. This is a p^d-release aswell, don't
                            forget that. But as shown in artmag5 the file
                            I had released a file called 'p^d-real.txt'.
                            That one was a fake. Don't you guys read
                            the colly first? It was quite obvious....

       manta/influence....  I must visit you in the 'håla' someday..

       czar/save our souls  Please make me a 'T minus 12 seconds'-logo,
                            and attatch it in a mess at Aces High.

       randy/neo..........  Still in the scene or? Haven't heard much from
                            you since leaving p^d..

       v-cut/classic......  And you you little fjärt, where are you when
                            I call you? Still going with Marie? Please make
                            me a 'C-real'-logo...

       p.a.o..............  Yes, we won! Ona-no-more

       all artists........  Please make me some logos!

                            - Pioneer Design
                            - Nine Design
                            - C-real
                            - Blue Zone
                            - Index
                            - Messages

Note: Anyone who have visited "Stevie's" in Lloret de Mar/Spain?

     ___________  _______     _______    _________  _____ ____________.
  ___\____     /__\___   \____\_____/ ___\___     \(_____)_    __/ ___|__
 |       /____/   ___/  __/     __)__|      |      \     \|    |____.    \_
 |      /    \_   \__    \|     \    \_     |       \     \    |    |     /
 |___________ /____/      \______     /_____________/_____/____|    .____/
            \/    /________)mud!\____/                        |_____|

                    Guestartists in order of appearance

                          -M-/hNy....  File_id
                          cDr/e^d....  9 Design
                          $laß/sOs...  Pioneer Design
                          xCz/sOs....  C-real
                          -M-/hNy....  The Sign
                          xCz/sOs....  Preface
                          t0!/oS!....  Contents
                          bno/sdx....  Greetings
                          trm/mth....  Messages
                          mud!/diesel  Credits

                      all other logos by cRL/p^D/nDs

                           Original bytes..6oooo

                       Releasedate..... o6 nov. 1995

                         Label........... p^d/nDs

          Note: Look out for my next art-collection.... out soon

                   cRL/p^d/nDs signing off..............
